import PrivateKey from "./PrivateKey";
import PublicKey from "./PublicKey";
import Address from "./address";
import Aes from "./aes";
import {sha256, sha512} from "./hash";
// import dictionary from './dictionary_en';
import secureRandom from "secure-random";
import {ChainConfig} from "bitsharesjs-ws";
const Buffer = require("safe-buffer").Buffer;
// hash for .25 second
const key = {
/** Uses 1 second of hashing power to create a key/password checksum. An
implementation can re-call this method with the same password to re-match
the strength of the CPU (either after moving from a desktop to a mobile,
mobile to desktop, or N years from now when CPUs are presumably stronger).
A salt is used for all the normal reasons...
@return object {
aes_private: Aes,
checksum: "{hash_iteration_count},{salt},{checksum}"
aes_checksum(password) {
if (!(typeof password === "string")) {
throw new "password string required"();
var salt = secureRandom.randomBuffer(4).toString("hex");
var iterations = 0;
var secret = salt + password;
// hash for .1 second
var start_t =;
while ( - start_t < HASH_POWER_MILLS) {
secret = sha256(secret);
iterations += 1;
var checksum = sha256(secret);
var checksum_string = [
checksum.slice(0, 4).toString("hex")
return {
aes_private: Aes.fromSeed(secret),
checksum: checksum_string
/** Provide a matching password and key_checksum. A "wrong password"
error is thrown if the password does not match. If this method takes
much more or less than 1 second to return, one should consider updating
all encyrpted fields using a new key.key_checksum.
aes_private(password, key_checksum) {
var [iterations, salt, checksum] = key_checksum.split(",");
var secret = salt + password;
for (
var i = 0;
0 < iterations ? i < iterations : i > iterations;
0 < iterations ? i++ : i++
) {
secret = sha256(secret);
var new_checksum = sha256(secret);
if (!(new_checksum.slice(0, 4).toString("hex") === checksum)) {
throw new Error("wrong password");
return Aes.fromSeed(secret);
A week random number generator can run out of entropy. This should ensure even the worst random number implementation will be reasonably safe.
@param1 string entropy of at least 32 bytes
random32ByteBuffer(entropy = this.browserEntropy()) {
if (!(typeof entropy === "string")) {
throw new Error("string required for entropy");
if (entropy.length < 32) {
throw new Error("expecting at least 32 bytes of entropy");
var start_t =;
while ( - start_t < HASH_POWER_MILLS)
entropy = sha256(entropy);
var hash_array = [];
// Hashing for 1 second may helps the computer is not low on entropy (this method may be called back-to-back).
return sha256(Buffer.concat(hash_array));
suggest_brain_key: function(
dictionary = ",",
entropy = this.browserEntropy()
) {
var randomBuffer = this.random32ByteBuffer(entropy);
var word_count = 16;
var dictionary_lines = dictionary.split(",");
if (!(dictionary_lines.length === 49744)) {
throw new Error(
`expecting ${49744} but got ${
} dictionary words`
var brainkey = [];
var end = word_count * 2;
for (let i = 0; i < end; i += 2) {
// randomBuffer has 256 bits / 16 bits per word == 16 words
var num = (randomBuffer[i] << 8) + randomBuffer[i + 1];
// convert into a number between 0 and 1 (inclusive)
var rndMultiplier = num / Math.pow(2, 16);
var wordIndex = Math.round(dictionary_lines.length * rndMultiplier);
return this.normalize_brainKey(brainkey.join(" "));
get_random_key(entropy) {
return PrivateKey.fromBuffer(this.random32ByteBuffer(entropy));
get_brainPrivateKey(brainKey, sequence = 0) {
if (sequence < 0) {
throw new Error("invalid sequence");
brainKey = key.normalize_brainKey(brainKey);
return PrivateKey.fromBuffer(sha256(sha512(brainKey + " " + sequence)));
// Turn invisible space like characters into a single space
normalize_brainKey(brainKey) {
if (!(typeof brainKey === "string")) {
throw new Error("string required for brainKey");
brainKey = brainKey.trim();
return brainKey.split(/[\t\n\v\f\r ]+/).join(" ");
browserEntropy() {
var entropyStr = "";
try {
entropyStr =
new Date().toString() +
" " +
window.screen.height +
" " +
window.screen.width +
" " +
window.screen.colorDepth +
" " +
" " +
window.screen.availHeight +
" " +
window.screen.availWidth +
" " +
window.screen.pixelDepth +
navigator.language +
" " +
window.location +
" " +
for (var i = 0, mimeType; i < navigator.mimeTypes.length; i++) {
mimeType = navigator.mimeTypes[i];
entropyStr +=
mimeType.description +
" " +
mimeType.type +
" " +
mimeType.suffixes +
" ";
console.log("INFO\tbrowserEntropy gathered");
} catch (error) {
//nodejs:ReferenceError: window is not defined
entropyStr = sha256(new Date().toString());
var b = Buffer.from(entropyStr);
entropyStr += b.toString("binary") + " " + new Date().toString();
return entropyStr;
// @return array of 5 legacy addresses for a pubkey string parameter.
addresses(pubkey, address_prefix = ChainConfig.address_prefix) {
var public_key = PublicKey.fromPublicKeyString(pubkey, address_prefix);
// S L O W
var address_string = [
Address.fromPublic(public_key, false, 0).toString(address_prefix), // btc_uncompressed
Address.fromPublic(public_key, true, 0).toString(address_prefix), // btc_compressed
Address.fromPublic(public_key, false, 56).toString(address_prefix), // pts_uncompressed
Address.fromPublic(public_key, true, 56).toString(address_prefix), // pts_compressed
public_key.toAddressString(address_prefix) // bts_short, most recent format
return address_string;
export default key;