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// https://code.google.com/p/crypto-js
import AES from "crypto-js/aes";
import encHex from "crypto-js/enc-hex";
import encBase64 from "crypto-js/enc-base64";
import assert from "assert";
import {sha256, sha512} from "./hash";
const Buffer = require("safe-buffer").Buffer;

/** Provides symetric encrypt and decrypt via AES. */
class Aes {
    /** @private */
    constructor(iv, key) {
        (this.iv = iv), (this.key = key);

    /** This is an excellent way to ensure that all references to Aes can not operate anymore (example: a wallet becomes locked).  An application should ensure there is only one Aes object instance for a given secret `seed`. */
    clear() {
        return (this.iv = this.key = undefined);

    /** @arg {string} seed - secret seed may be used to encrypt or decrypt. */
    static fromSeed(seed) {
        if (seed === undefined) {
            throw new Error("seed is required");
        var _hash = sha512(seed);
        _hash = _hash.toString("hex");
        // DEBUG console.log('... fromSeed _hash',_hash)
        return Aes.fromSha512(_hash);

    /** @arg {string} hash - A 128 byte hex string, typically one would call {@link fromSeed} instead. */
    static fromSha512(hash) {
            `A Sha512 in HEX should be 128 characters long, instead got ${
        var iv = encHex.parse(hash.substring(64, 96));
        var key = encHex.parse(hash.substring(0, 64));
        return new Aes(iv, key);

    static fromBuffer(buf) {
        assert(Buffer.isBuffer(buf), "Expecting Buffer");
            `A Sha512 Buffer should be 64 characters long, instead got ${
        return Aes.fromSha512(buf.toString("hex"));
        @throws {Error} - "Invalid Key, ..."
        @arg {PrivateKey} private_key - required and used for decryption
        @arg {PublicKey} public_key - required and used to calcualte the shared secret
        @arg {string} [nonce = ""] optional but should always be provided and be unique when re-using the same private/public keys more than once.  This nonce is not a secret.
        @arg {string|Buffer} message - Encrypted message containing a checksum
        @return {Buffer}
    static decrypt_with_checksum(
        legacy = false
    ) {
        // Warning: Do not put `nonce = ""` in the arguments, in es6 this will not convert "null" into an emtpy string
        if (nonce == null)
            // null or undefined
            nonce = "";

        if (!Buffer.isBuffer(message)) {
            message = new Buffer(message, "hex");

        var S = private_key.get_shared_secret(public_key, legacy);
        // D E B U G
        // console.log('decrypt_with_checksum', {
        //     priv_to_pub: private_key.toPublicKey().toString(),
        //     pub: public_key.toPublicKeyString(),
        //     nonce: nonce,
        //     message: message.length,
        //     S: S.toString('hex')
        // })

        var aes = Aes.fromSeed(
                // A null or empty string nonce will not effect the hash
                Buffer.from("" + nonce),

        var planebuffer = aes.decrypt(message);
        if (!(planebuffer.length >= 4)) {
            throw new Error("Invalid key, could not decrypt message(1)");

        // DEBUG console.log('... planebuffer',planebuffer)
        var checksum = planebuffer.slice(0, 4);
        var plaintext = planebuffer.slice(4);

        // console.log('... checksum',checksum.toString('hex'))
        // console.log('... plaintext',plaintext.toString())

        var new_checksum = sha256(plaintext);
        new_checksum = new_checksum.slice(0, 4);
        new_checksum = new_checksum.toString("hex");

        if (!(checksum.toString("hex") === new_checksum)) {
            throw new Error("Invalid key, could not decrypt message(2)");

        return plaintext;

    /** Identical to {@link decrypt_with_checksum} but used to encrypt.  Should not throw an error.
        @return {Buffer} message - Encrypted message which includes a checksum
    static encrypt_with_checksum(private_key, public_key, nonce, message) {
        // Warning: Do not put `nonce = ""` in the arguments, in es6 this will not convert "null" into an emtpy string

        if (nonce == null)
            // null or undefined
            nonce = "";

        if (!Buffer.isBuffer(message)) {
            message = new Buffer(message, "binary");

        var S = private_key.get_shared_secret(public_key);

        // D E B U G
        // console.log('encrypt_with_checksum', {
        //     priv_to_pub: private_key.toPublicKey().toString()
        //     pub: public_key.toPublicKeyString()
        //     nonce: nonce
        //     message: message.length
        //     S: S.toString('hex')
        // })

        var aes = Aes.fromSeed(
                // A null or empty string nonce will not effect the hash
                Buffer.from("" + nonce),
        // DEBUG console.log('... S',S.toString('hex'))
        var checksum = sha256(message).slice(0, 4);
        var payload = Buffer.concat([checksum, message]);
        // DEBUG console.log('... payload',payload.toString())
        return aes.encrypt(payload);

    /** @private */
    _decrypt_word_array(cipher) {
        // https://code.google.com/p/crypto-js/#Custom_Key_and_IV
        // see wallet_records.cpp master_key::decrypt_key
        return AES.decrypt({ciphertext: cipher, salt: null}, this.key, {
            iv: this.iv

    /** @private */
    _encrypt_word_array(plaintext) {
        var cipher = AES.encrypt(plaintext, this.key, {iv: this.iv});
        return encBase64.parse(cipher.toString());

    /** This method does not use a checksum, the returned data must be validated some other way.
        @arg {string} ciphertext
        @return {Buffer} binary
    decrypt(ciphertext) {
        if (typeof ciphertext === "string") {
            ciphertext = new Buffer(ciphertext, "binary");
        if (!Buffer.isBuffer(ciphertext)) {
            throw new Error("buffer required");
        assert(ciphertext, "Missing cipher text");
        // hex is the only common format
        var hex = this.decryptHex(ciphertext.toString("hex"));
        return new Buffer(hex, "hex");

    /** This method does not use a checksum, the returned data must be validated some other way.
        @arg {string} plaintext
        @return {Buffer} binary
    encrypt(plaintext) {
        if (typeof plaintext === "string") {
            plaintext = new Buffer(plaintext, "binary");
        if (!Buffer.isBuffer(plaintext)) {
            throw new Error("buffer required");
        //assert plaintext, "Missing plain text"
        // hex is the only common format
        var hex = this.encryptHex(plaintext.toString("hex"));
        return new Buffer(hex, "hex");

    /** This method does not use a checksum, the returned data must be validated some other way.
        @arg {string|Buffer} plaintext
        @return {string} hex
    encryptToHex(plaintext) {
        if (typeof plaintext === "string") {
            plaintext = new Buffer(plaintext, "binary");
        if (!Buffer.isBuffer(plaintext)) {
            throw new Error("buffer required");
        //assert plaintext, "Missing plain text"
        // hex is the only common format
        return this.encryptHex(plaintext.toString("hex"));

    /** This method does not use a checksum, the returned data must be validated some other way.
        @arg {string} cipher - hex
        @return {string} binary (could easily be readable text)
    decryptHex(cipher) {
        assert(cipher, "Missing cipher text");
        // Convert data into word arrays (used by Crypto)
        var cipher_array = encHex.parse(cipher);
        var plainwords = this._decrypt_word_array(cipher_array);
        return encHex.stringify(plainwords);

    /** This method does not use a checksum, the returned data must be validated some other way.
        @arg {string} cipher - hex
        @return {Buffer} encoded as specified by the parameter
    decryptHexToBuffer(cipher) {
        assert(cipher, "Missing cipher text");
        // Convert data into word arrays (used by Crypto)
        var cipher_array = encHex.parse(cipher);
        var plainwords = this._decrypt_word_array(cipher_array);
        var plainhex = encHex.stringify(plainwords);
        return new Buffer(plainhex, "hex");

    /** This method does not use a checksum, the returned data must be validated some other way.
        @arg {string} cipher - hex
        @arg {string} [encoding = 'binary'] - a valid Buffer encoding
        @return {String} encoded as specified by the parameter
    decryptHexToText(cipher, encoding = "binary") {
        return this.decryptHexToBuffer(cipher).toString(encoding);

    /** This method does not use a checksum, the returned data must be validated some other way.
        @arg {string} plainhex - hex format
        @return {String} hex
    encryptHex(plainhex) {
        var plain_array = encHex.parse(plainhex);
        var cipher_array = this._encrypt_word_array(plain_array);
        return encHex.stringify(cipher_array);

export default Aes;